Setting up the EC Sales List
To set up the EC Sales List functionality the following steps should be followed:
1. Set up a new number series for EC Sales List.

The No. Series Lines could be set up as new number for each year (see below) but this is only a suggestion.

2. Search for the VAT Report Setup and in the No. Series field select the EC Sales List No. Series you have just set up.

3. Search for the VAT Reports Configuration page and create a new line with the following information:
VAT Report Type = EC Sales List
VAT Report Version = CURRENT
Suggest Lines Codeunit ID = 140
Submission Codeunit ID = 142
Validate Codeunit ID = 143
This completes the initial set up for the EC Sales List.
Using the EC Sales List
Next, we’ll have a look at using the functionality:
1. Search for and open the EC Sales List Reports, depending on the version you are in there may be a couple of similarly named pages. The page should look something like this...

2. Click on the New action and move out of the No. field, this will fill in a number of fields in the header. Ensure the Period Year, Period Type and Period No. are correct for YOUR business. The General tab of the page should look something like the below:

3. Click on the Suggest Lines action, this should then populate the report with transactions within the period specified. An example of what this will look like is below:

4. Once the lines have been suggested and you are happy with the detail in the report press the Release action. This will check a number of pieces of information required to submit the report and if there are any errors they will be shown in the Errors and Warnings tab. If you have already carried out the Gov Talk setup then the errors below should not occur:

5. After the report has been released you can then press the Submit action to send the detail to HMRC.
Jesse Lawrence
Jesse is our marketing manager, keeping an eye on the latest news in the market as well as having worked on the GDPR legislation.