The Navigation Menu
This feature is particularly useful when you want to retrieve some information and you have a document number. Using the NAV search function, type in “Navigate” and the system will display the different places where it appears and each one of these can be enquired upon:

The Find Tool
Choosing General Ledger History and then selecting Navigate from the Tasks category, enter the document number to be searched. The posting date option can be used in conjunction with the document number if known. Click on Find and the system will search for all of the information in relation to the document number, such as the Posted Sales Invoice, General Ledger Entries and other associated entries and tables etc.:

Show Related Entries
It is then possible to select and click on these records to display the detailed information by highlighting the entries to be viewed and selecting Show Related Entries:

The detailed information is then displayed:

Find the Document Number
Although originally the search commenced in the GL History to find the detailed Posted Sales Invoice information, it is also possible to find other document types by entering a different document number, e.g. a posted Purchase Invoice.

The posted Purchase Invoice is displayed:

Find Out More
To find out more, have a look at the related blogs:
Use the Search Function
Drill Down
Screen Organisation
Teresa Parker
Teresa was previously our office manager, and knows the business inside out. As the business has grown, she has grown to being head of the department and taken on the HR Manager role, responsible for taking on new staff and the ongoing development through our training and mentoring schemes.