Windows Client
The Windows Client for Dynamics NAV 2016 is still my personal favourite of the 4 client choices we have as users. It is the basis on which the Web, Tablet & Mobile clients were built on and this is evident through its capabilities. That said, many professionals are now on the move and would much prefer to see things on the go.

Web Client
The Web Client for Dynamics NAV 2016 has seen many Cosmetic & ‘Under the Hood’ changes from its somewhat impressive predecessor. There are many more functional areas covered which makes the life of an end user comparatively heaven, when compared to the 2015 Web Client. My Colleague Miruna has gone into detail on some of these improvements in her article ‘New Features of NAV 2016 – Web Client’. Whilst the web client is still very powerful and undeniably more flexible in terms of mobility than the Windows Client, it is lacking when compared to the Windows Client in terms of usability. A ‘Hard’ user of the software who is constantly opening Customer records, creating Sales Orders and releasing Sales Orders to the Warehouse, simply cannot function at the same efficiency as provided by the windows client.

Tablet Client
The tablet client is very new functionality and something which was in versions prior to NAV 2015 just a spectre from our imagination. After release we found a very attractive and useful tool, evident from one of our own customer sites, who use the tablet client for complete mobile warehousing including the use of a barcode scanner (more will be coming on this in the form of a case study). The tablet client is very similar to the Web client in terms of usability, but is optimised for the touch interface of tablet devices. Working from home is made much easier, working late is made much easier. Why not post that order whilst cooking dinner? Why not check on the stock levels of your seasonal items?

Mobile Client
For the user on the go, the Director, the Salesman. View Role Specific KPIs & charts, get a quote out to a customer, check on that shipment you promised would be with someone. These are made possible by the use of the mobile client, when on the move which is a rendering of the tablet client, optimised for use on the smaller screen.

Download Now
Download the app now by clicking on the relevant link:
Windows Store
Google Play
Apple Store
Tom Harper
After spending 5 months working on Development, he moved to the Support Desk where he has learned how different customers use the systems, as well as how all of the modules of the software integrate data.