Extending NAV
In order to improve this process we utilised the standard NAV Blanket Sales Order functionality, which has the advantage of being seen as forecast demand by the MPR engine (Planning Worksheet). However, instead of creating one Blanket Order per Customer, with lots of Item Lines, we created one Blanket Order per Item with separate lines for each forecast demend:
We added the Item details onto the header to make lifer easer.
We then created a new screen that listed Sales Blanket Order Lines from multiple Blanket Orders.

The screen has a new function that will create once sales Order per Customer for the currently filtered blanket Order Lines.

Time Saving Routines
In order to eliminate all that keying of data we built a routine that will import the EDI files into a holding table.
A button can then be pressed that validates the data provided in the EDI file to check the following:
- Blanket Order for the Customer/Item exists.
- A Blanket Order Line for that Item/Date already exists.
- The system then highlights lines that are outside pre-set tolerances for new records, or quantity changes.

The user has the ability to automatically create/update Blanket Order Lines. Finally, the user has the ability to automatically create one sales order per customer call off week containing the lines from multiple blanket orders.

The Results
The development has saved the customer hours of effort in keying, and re-keying data. As well and improved data accuracy and enabled the use of MRP to take into account forecast demand.
What can we do for you?
If you want to discuss how we can use our experts with years of industry experience please contact us for more details.
Jesse Lawrence
Jesse is our marketing manager, keeping an eye on the latest news in the market as well as having worked on the GDPR legislation.