Directions EMEA 2024
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As a marketing manager with years of sales experience, I have spent countless hours creating presentations using Microsoft PowerPoint®. When trying to impress, clever slide transitions that move objects around and resize them takes hours of work trying to get the end result of one slide to match the start of the next slide.
Morph is the new transition that actually recognises objects that are the same on two slides, even if they have been resized and moved around. On choosing Morph, PowerPoint automatically creates a smooth flow of these similar objects from one slide to the next in just one click! I have already saved myself hours of work, and now I can even throw together quick videos and ideas without having to waste hours of valuable time.
Morph is joined by Designer in this video, the tool that gives suggestions on layouts to speed up your workflow. Insert objects into a presentation and designer will give you a list of suggestions on how to layout the objects on the slide. Having used this feature for a while, originally it struggled with finding suitable layouts, but as time goes on and more people use it Designer is becoming a really useful tool to help build a presentation.
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Directions EMEA 2024 Vienna updates and news from our team at the event. Get Business Central Updates.
Business Central 2024 Wave 2 is here, Get the latest features in our Dynamics 365 Update “what’s new” webinar from the business central experts
Whether your business is B2B or B2C, your order fulfilment process can have a dramatic impact on your brand and customer loyalty. You play a vital role in optimising the entire process to enhance customer satisfaction and streamline operations.