Make your website more significant with the use of AI

Make your website more significant with the use of AI

From being a novelty to a useful tool, optimise your site with Voice Search.

In the last few years, the rise of AI technology is extraordinary, but it isn’t being used as much as it should. With the likes of Siri, Google Assistant and Cortana being developed 24/7, we may as well optimise all sites with Voice Recognition. According to nopCommerce, 20% of searches on an Android are voice searches.

Would this affect the concept of SEO?

Yes. It will make it better!

Basic Voice Search

When upgrading your web content with Voice Search, you will need to use a ‘natural language’. I can sense some of you are baffled…

Imagine if I want to know where’s the nearest Electronic shop:

  • ‘Electronic Shop’
  • ‘Electronic Shop Location’
  • ‘Where is the nearest Electronic Shop?’
  • ‘Nearest Electronic Shop’

The first and last one could work for Laptop/ Desktop users but we most people don’t talk  to their phones on that manner. We are more likely to say the third one as it sounds politer and more like a natural sentence.

Voice searches often rely on Google’s featured snippet results, so you will need to adapt your content in that way:

  • Always consider your user’s intent
    • Are they wanting a question answered?
    • Or is there a problem they want help in solving?
  • Meet their intent as efficiently as you can, for example, for “what is” questions that means you will need a short answer that gets straight to the point.
  • HTML Headers can be used to specify each step in a process.
  • Put the question or keywords of the question in the page’s <h1> tag. Then put the answer in the <p> tag right after the header.

Advanced Voice Search: Interactive Agents

As technology progresses, the ability to listen, interpret and understand spoken language will allow us to use technology to help us with everyday tasks and finding information out. There are programs known as ‘interactive agents’ that do this and according to nopCommerce, ‘it’s estimated that 85% of people will manage their interactions with business via interactive agents.’ They are programmed to perform task required by a person using ‘natural language’.


Chatbots like Siri and Google Assistant are a form of interactive agents, but they are more conversational; meaning they can use previous interactions and context clues to proceed tasks conducted by the user AND NOW, you can ask them to talk to other businesses to book you an appointment of some sort.

For example:


See Google's AI phonecall as a showcase for the future:

In 2013, new exciting technology debuted which allow computer programmes to have the ability to answer questions that use pronouns. Currently, this is the way search works.

Interactive Agents isn’t just for SEO in your website. Chat Apps have grown majorly in social media; this has led to businesses to have Chatbots on chat apps like Facebook messenger. This allows the user to get information 24/7 when people aren’t available to give an answer.

Facebook is actively encouraging businesses to create Chatbots for Messenger; meaning you’ve got a huge opportunity to bring you content, products and services directly to users on any platform.

Structured Data

Structured data mainly refers to information that is kept and organised in a standardised way, so a computer can analyse and understand what it means. In our case, that data refers to content found on a website.

Structured Data is not visible on a website, but it’s visible in Google’s Search Results:

The top 2 results of this search both show structured data of Genius Kitchen’s Recipe and Review. Chatbots use this structured data to locate relevant information to a user’s query.

You may now be wondering how you can add structured data to your own website…

Adding Structured Data

To start, you will need to create ‘entities’. Entities are the people, places, organisations, concepts or events relevant to your site. When they are combined, they form the Chatbots’ Vocabulary for which this allows them to read and interpret.

Once you’ve generated your vocabulary, you will need to link your web content back to your structured data. Interactive agents use these links to find and deliver relevant content to the user’s specific query.

Widen Your Audience

When all of your content is optimised for Voice Search and Chatbots, your website will open many doors to users all over the web. This is the perfect opportunity for you to take advantage of all the users on Facebook Messenger; meaning you have opened a new channel of communication to your business.

The future of SEO looks smart and efficient. It’s time to get ready NOW!

Find Out More

To find out more, go over to nopCommerce’s website and check out our e-Commerce Essentials Page.



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Supply Chain Optimisation: Enhancing Efficiency with ERP Systems

20 January 2025

An enterprise resource planning (ERP) system is a powerful tool that can streamline your entire supply chain by automating business processes and improving visibility. Integrating an ERP solution allows you to optimise core functions and create a more responsive chain of suppliers. This integration not only increases efficiency but also ensures you remain competitive.

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