Improve scheduling appointments with Microsoft Bookings in Office 365
In business, wasted time is wasted money. Forgotten appointments that took time to organise are not only frustrating, but also represent hours of productivity lost. Now with the latest app as part of the Office 365 suite Microsoft hope to address this issue and make it a thing of the past. The exciting new app, Microsoft Bookings, makes scheduling and booking appointments and sending reminders a quick and easy process.
Let Customers Choose a Time
The new app provides a customer facing web page, which is mobile friendly, that allows you to show resources such as staff members, appointment type and availability. Using the page customers can book, change and cancel appointments without you having to get involved. The tool even sends a reminder at an interval that suits your business. Bookings then integrates with your and calendars, so your staff never miss an appointment either!
Customers do not require an Office 365 account to view the page on the web, they just need to provide a name and email address for confirmations and reminders.
Customers Book Online from any device with Microsoft Bookings
Manage Your Appointment Bookings
Microsoft Bookings has a centralised booking calendar, to give you an overview of the schedule for the whole business. With a split view you can compare availability for different staff members and book, cancel and reschedule bookings directly into the central calendar, either via the web or mobile app.
Microsoft Bookings in Office 365 allows you to manage bookings online or by via the app
Microsoft Bookings Available Now!
Bookings is currently rolling out in First Release to subscribers of Office 365 Business Premium and will be available for general release to all Business Premium customers in the next few months. Only people managing the Bookings will require an Office 365 Business Premium account, so any staff can be set up as a resource without needing an account. The companion app is still in production and we will provide an update when it becomes available – remember this app is just for managing bookings, no app is required for your customers.
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Jesse Lawrence
Jesse is our marketing manager, keeping an eye on the latest news in the market as well as having worked on the GDPR legislation.