Tier Prices Start/End Dates
In previous versions, it was possible to set up tier prices (price breaks based on order quantity), but with no way to apply a time frame. There was also the functionality to add in special pricing, with start and end dates, but this would not apply to tiered prices. nopCommerce 3.90 offers increased functionality, removing the special prices and putting the start and end dates functionality into the tier pricing section. This means that you can now apply different prices to any number of combinations of tiers within specified date ranges.
Reward Points Usage Delay
This feature allows reward points to only become active after a certain delay. This is ideal, for example, for providing a delay for a returns period.
Product Reviews Admin Replies
The new feature allows store owners to reply to specific reviews left on the web shop, rather than just posing answers in a string of comments.
Message Templates With Conditions
Message templates can now have conditions applied, such as removing a shipping address where whipping is not required.
Product Stock Tracking Changes
In previous versions it was only possible for store owners to track stock changes by viewing individual orders. Now, there is a dedicated Stock quantity history tab, which details changes in stock quantities with orders.
For out of stock products, it is now possible to display an approximate number of days for availability.
Custom Order Number
Store owners can now add details to order numbers, such as a prefix or a date, to provide custom order numbers. This is available from the Order settings page.