Dynamics® NAV 2013 RapidStart Services
The new Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013 RapidStart Services functionality is another iteration and step on of the functionality that has existed since Dynamics NAV v5.0 as the Data Migration Toolkit
Most people will use this functionality to import data into NAV for go-lives or new data take-on. It allows the user to set up a Configuration Package that contains numerous tables that will be imported. For each table, the user can specify the fields that they want to import, whether they want to validate the data into those fields, and the order of the fields to be imported.

The benefit of RapidStart over XMLPorts is that the data is brought into holding tables and checked as it’s imported. This means if there are errors, you can see them all at once rather than it failing at each record (as it would do in a simple XMLPort). Once you have the data imported into the tables you can check the errors and resolve them, this could be by:
• Cleansing the data
• Turning off validation for the field with the error
• Entering a new record in an existing table (if there is a table relation)

If you would like some further information on how to use NAV & all of it's functionality, would like to upgrade a current system you have in place, or would like to see what NAV can do for your business, please do feel free to contact us and we will gladly assist in any queries you have.
This is just a small example of what NAV does to make your business run more smoothly.
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Best Regards,
Andrew Trayfoot
Andrew Trayfoot
Andy is an experienced Microsoft Certified Implementation Specialist for Dynamics 365 (also known as NAV) who has been working with NAV since 2002 as a Consultant and Project Manager.