How it Works
The Comments Add-in works by providing an unlimited text field that allows you to copy and paste or manually type the notes that you require. On submitting the notes the Add-in automatically populates the lines split into the 80 character segments. The add in logs the date, time and username onto the message, allowing users to clearly see who wrote the message and at what time.
Using Our Own Solution
At Dynamics Consultants, we heavily use our Comments Add-in on our own service management module and find it hard to think how we didn’t use it before. When a support call comes in we log their email / phone call conversation to the fault tab in our Comments Add-in, we also fill in other information that may be handy to our developers when we assign the support call to them. Once the developers have done their work, they log the resolution email in the Resolutions Tab.

Clear Log of Activity
In this way we have a clear log of what has been sent to the customer and what work has been done in-house. With the addition of an All Tab where a list of all messages are logged, users can easily see which comments have been written by each user, all in date descending order. There is also a feature to search the comments, the easy search bar jumps through the highlighted search results.

Spelling Check
The Comments add-in also features a spell checker, making your notes clear and concise to other users, with suggested spellings making it easy to create and edit content.

Jesse Lawrence
Jesse is our marketing manager, keeping an eye on the latest news in the market as well as having worked on the GDPR legislation.