Business Software Solutions Are People Too!
"Thousands of new small businesses start each year. Many fail, but just as many succeed. Tom Jenkins, director of Dynamics Consultants, who specialises in the implementation of business software solutions, looks at one potential factor that could make all the difference”
Our director Tom Jenkins was featured this week in the Business Magazine, where they discussed the importance of growing businesses to act early when deciding to move to a business management software solution. With a flexible solution, such as Dynamics NAV, the reduction in man power required means that your ERP system can work as part of your team.
Read more in the Business Magazine on pages 14 and 15.
Who is Wyatt ERP?!
Now that you have read the article, we will address the question on everyone’s lips – who on Earth is Wyatt ERP?! For those of you who are a bit younger, than others, Wyatt Earp was one of the men who took part in the Gunfight at the O.K. Corral.
OK, the real question is, if you need to think about the future of your business and allow for growth, and the Fast Financials implementation of Microsoft® Dynamics NAV is the solution, where can you find out more? Well we will tell you…

Fast Financials Solution - The Answer
Dynamics Consultants recently released Fast Financials, the rapid implementation solution for small businesses and start-ups. This allows you to have the benefits of a large flexible ERP solution but for a fast and low cost implementation. Because we believe that it should be as easy as possible, we have provided a set of demonstration videos and a handy price calculator so that you can quickly get the information that you need.

Jesse Lawrence
Jesse is our marketing manager, keeping an eye on the latest news in the market as well as having worked on the GDPR legislation.