adds on to upgrade

Add-ons will upgrade with you

Add-ons will upgrade with you

“Going Up” to Dynamics NAV 2016?

Many of you will be thinking about the upgrade to the latest version of Microsoft’s number one selling ERP solution. With NAV 2016 there are even more features as Microsoft spends millions of dollars on Research & Development to constantly add new features and functionality. But what about those add-on or add-in products that you have already bought to give you specific functionality? The simple answer is that it depends on the provider of the solution as to whether they keep them up to date.

Reliably up to date

Dynamics consultants have sold modules from the Communication suite of add-ons globally, either direct or through other NAV partners. As a Certified for Microsoft Dynamics (CfMD) solution, we are obliged to update this product to the latest version and we have been ready for months! Many of our customers have already made the upgrade to NAV 2016 and are also using our Communication suite to help them save time and money.

What is included in the Communication Suite

For those of you who have not heard of the Communication suite, it is a collection of three modules, designed to help businesses improve efficiency, save money and save time. The modules are:

Telephone Integration

With an on screen “call pop” facility you can access your contact records quickly and reliably. There is no longer the need to take messages, check filing and call back – all of your NAV data is available while you speak! Compatible with a wide range of telephone systems this solution also allows you call out directly from the contact card.

Document Receiving

Drag and drop and automatic filing of emails and documents against NAV records allows you to keep track of quotes, invoices, etc. from within NAV. Setting up rules allows you to save different document types to specific locations, either in NAV, on a file storage or within your SharePoint document library.

Document Sending

Electronically send your NAV documents such as quotes and invoices directly from within NAV. By setting up rules you are now able to send documents directly to the right people. Batch sending and individual editing of emails allows you to save time and money in this flexible sending solution.

Contact Us for More Information

If you are considering an upgrade, or you are interested in the benefits that you can receive from installing one or more modules from the communication suite, then please do not hesitate to contact our friendly and helpful team.

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