Drill Down into Your Data
If you need to search for any information relating to Totals in Microsoft Dynamics NAV, such as Totals within your Chart of Accounts, the optimum way is to use the “drill down” function.
If you hover over a particular Total, it becomes underlined and it is then possible to click on it. For example, account 8130 – Repairs and Maintenance.
Viewing the Data
Having clicked on the Total, a new screen is shown displaying all of the transactions with their pertinent information for this particular figure for the said account. It is then possible to sort or filter the information displayed.

Find Out More
To find out more, hava a look at the related blogs:
Use the Search Function
Screen Organisation
Teresa Parker
Teresa was previously our office manager, and knows the business inside out. As the business has grown, she has grown to being head of the department and taken on the HR Manager role, responsible for taking on new staff and the ongoing development through our training and mentoring schemes.